Semester 1 2017

The JPL begins 2017 with two guides to support your planning for the new Stage 6 syllabuses in History and Mathematics and The State Library of NSW welcomes you and your students to its impressive collection on site, on tour and online. We also look at examples of how to explicitly teach extended response writing across a range of subjects in the secondary school and suggest a lively and practical way to bring poetry to life in your English classroom and throughout your school.
For the Primary teacher, we consider strategies to meet the needs of refugee students whilst also the Regional Conservatorium helps you to lead a school choir. Looking to the future, Alan Reid reasserts the purpose of public education and its civic and social place in our nation and Pasi Sahlberg and Jonathan Hasak remind us of the distinction between correlations and cause and consider the potential positive impact of noticing the small details, relationships and narratives that can reveal huge trends.

For your Classroom

Helping Your Students to Become Better Writers

Joanne Rossbridge & Kathy Rushton share a framework for improved extended response writing… Introduction Teacher knowledge about language and how...


You’ve Got the Music in You

Graham Sattler explains how primary teachers can confidently lead their school’s choir… This article is written for K–6 classroom teachers...


Inclusive Teaching for Refugee Students

Kerrie Melville reflects on research and experience to support students from a refugee background… The schooling system is often one...


Poetry: “thoughts that breathe and words that burn”

Jowen Hillyer engages Year 9 with guerrilla poetry…   Poetry is “thoughts that breathe and words that burn” (Gray). So...


For your Staffroom

A Guide to the New Stage 6 History Syllabuses

Margaret Vos introduces the new Stage 6 History syllabuses which are implemented for Year 11 in 2018… The new NSW Stage...


An Introduction to the New Mathematics Standard and Life Skills Syllabuses

Terry Moriarty introduces the new Stage 6 Mathematics syllabuses which are implemented for Year 11 in 2018… The new NSW...


On Site, On Tour and Online: the State Library of NSW and You

Pauline Fitzgerald welcomes you to the fascinating collection at the State Library of NSW… No history of Australia, no local...


For your Future

Next Big Thing in Education: Small Data

Pasi Sahlberg and Jonathan Hasak First published in Washington Post, 9 May 2016 One thing that distinguishes schools in the...


Public and Proud: Reclaiming the Essence of Public Schooling in Australia

Alan Reid A large achievement gap between rich and poor blights Australian education – and the gap appears to be...
