Semester 2 2018
This semester, the JPL takes you outside for Mathematics, Science and Geography. Beyond the Core syllabuses, there are articles to support teachers to implement the new Technology Mandatory course, as well as Visual Arts for Years 7-12. The edition also includes a spirited reflection on common assessment practices, the possibilities of using play to enhance learning in Kindergarten and Pat Forward makes the case for university qualified teachers in our TAFE system. Our collection of high level articles includes Dr. Les Perelman’s critique of the NAPLAN writing assessment and Dr. Ian Hardy’s examination of standardised school-based professional learning.
Lorraine Chaffer encourages you to confidently use spatial technologies in your classroom… What is Geography like in your classroom? With...
Category: For your Classroom Subject: HSIE, Primary, Secondary
Emma Finlayson reflects on what quality assessment is really about… I am a middle career teacher. I have made it...
Category: For your Classroom Subject: Early career, Secondary, Whole school priorities
Neil Bramsen explores butterflies while teaching Mathematics and Science… I am always keen to have my students undertake at least...
Category: For your Classroom Subject: Mathematics, Primary, Science
Maree Costantini and Nicole Tainsh learn with their students through play… “But they’re just playing!” From the outside, two children...
Category: For your Staffroom
Alexandra Johnson celebrates success in her Visual Arts classrooms and you can too… Remember your first year of teaching? I...
Category: For your Staffroom Subject: Creative arts, Secondary
Steve Delaney sees much to be excited about in the new Technology syllabus which is mandatory for Year 7 in...
Category: For your Staffroom Subject: Secondary, Technology
Pat Forward explains the importance of degree-level teaching qualifications to TAFE teachers… Many K-12 teachers have family and personal connections...
Category: For your Future Subject: Promotions positions