Supporting Students with Autism in 7-12

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OR CALL (02) 9217 2125


The Supporting Students with Autism in 7-12 course is designed to

  • develop an understanding of the wide range of characteristics of students with Autism;
  • explore a range of strategies which address the needs of students with Autism in the areas of language and cognitive development, communication skills and social behaviour;
  • develop specific strategies to help students with Autism access the curriculum, manage their own stressful reactions and modify their behaviours.

Participants will also develop an understanding of how to set up an effective learning environment for students with Autism.

24 March 2025

Surry Hills

“I found it incredibly useful. I will definitely be implementing the strategies from today in my classroom.”

“Thank you for a fantastic day – really opened by eyes to the complexity of it all.”

“Loved the tips and useful resources. The opportunities to work in groups and share ideas.”

“Great information! Can take so much back to the staffroom.”

Members who have completed the course
Dr Rose Dixon

Dr Roselyn Dixon has been a special education teacher in both mainstream and special education settings in primary and secondary schools. Rose has been in academia and involved with Inclusive Education for more than 25 years. She has published research in the fields of social skills and behavioural interventions for people with a range of disabilities including students with Oppositional Defiance Disorders and Autism.

She has been actively involved in examining the relationship between digital technologies and pedagogy in special education and inclusive classrooms for students with Autism as well as the implications of the NDIS on people with disabilities in rural and remote communities. Rose is an Honorary Associate Professor at the School of Education, University of Wollongong, where she was previously the Academic Director of Inclusive and Special Education. She continues to support doctoral students in Inclusive and Special education with a focus on Autism. 

Completing Supporting Students with Autism in Years 7-12 will contribute 5 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Students/children with Disability addressing standard descriptors 1.1.2 & 4.1.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.

Teachers in 7-12

$200 (Federation members only)


JPL Article

Supporting students with Autism: Strategies that really work in the classroom

“Was tailored to perfection.”

“I wish I knew about the CPL as a Uni Student/earlier in my teaching.”

“An excellent workshop, practical, lots of good ideas.”

“Rose was a great teacher, thank you!”

“Up to date terminology, research. Loved hearing from other teachers/schools.”