Remote Possibilities Special Part I: When online works

19 August 2021

Jowen Hillyer has experience building relationships, beginning new classes and teaching well in completely online subjects.

For mastery learning and formative tasks, when you’re working in the digital space, you’ve got this immediate feedback… you can see what is going on and step in…

Maintaining relationships online was something very difficult at first… understanding that you need to connect before you correct is really important…

Creating a collegial environment [with a new class required] a sense of security by having a structure to every lesson that was going to be the same… having a ‘do now’ activity and then a bit of banter … getting a discussion going really early on…

Group accountability needs to happen as well. You need to have that interdependence of goal, you’re not working in isolation, just all on the screen together. There needs to be lots of opportunities to collaborate…

Jowen Hillyer
