Conversations about Texts in Secondary Schools

Sign Up For Course



The focus of this one day course presented by Kathy Rushton and Joanne Rossbridge is to develop understandings and strategies for engaging secondary students in writing.

Participants wills:

  • Develop strategies for teaching writing as the context in which grammar is taught.
  • Identify the language demands of texts commonly read and written in secondary schools.
  • Explore the differentiation between oral and written language and the grammatical features which identify each mode.
  • Develop deep understanding of a model of language and scaffolding, and practical strategies to explicitly teach relevant aspects of language across subjects.
  • Will focus on the teaching of writing as the context in which grammar is taught to support meaning
  • Be supported to recognise and analyse their students’ written work.

28 October 2024 at AEU ACT Branch, Level 1/71 Leichhardt St, Kingston ACT 2604

$220 for one day

Secondary teachers especially teachers of all subjects requiring extended response writing such as HSIE, English, PDHPE and Science.

Teacher Librarians

Joanne Rossbridge is an independent language and literacy consultant working in both primary and secondary schools and with teachers across Australia. She has worked as a classroom teacher and literacy consultant with the DET (NSW). Her expertise and much of her experience is in working with students from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Joanne is particularly interested in student and teacher talk and how talk about language can assist the development of language and literacy.

Kathy Rushton is interested in the development of language and literacy especially in disadvantaged communities. She has worked as a classroom teacher and literacy consultant and provides professional learning for teachers in the areas of language and literacy development. Her current research projects include a study of multilingual pre-service teachers and the impact that teacher professional learning has on the development of a creative pedagogical stance which supports translanguaging and student identity and wellbeing.

Completing Conversations about Texts in Secondary Schools will contribute 5 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Delivery and assessment of NSW Curriculum/Early Years Learning Framework addressing Standard Descriptors 2.5.2 & 3.3.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher in NSW.