14 March 2018
Jane Sherlock and Deb McPherson share the texts they love and some possibilities for you and the new Stage 6 English courses.
I love to read and I really think that English has so much potential in helping students… to make our students more discerning readers and viewers…
The Craft of Writing is really like the child of Reading to Write… We have a wonderful combination of texts that reflect and also that demonstrate the craft of writing… and 1984, of course, is a gift to any teacher in these times. It really is important to not overload yourself, but it is also really important to ensure you avail yourself of the riches that are there and that you make use of some of them.
Jane Sherlock and Deb McPherson
Note for listeners: This episode was originally recorded for the JPL Podcast, hence the references to the JPL Podcast throughout.